My Wife had a personal breakthrough today…
After taking 5 years off to raise our 2 kids, she decided to jump back into the workforce.
It’s been a few weeks since her search started, and it has been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least.
But today was different…
After many applications, rejections, & attempts to reach recruiters via phone and email, she finally received a call back from one of them today.
All she wanted was a call back!
The fact that the recruiter couldn’t do anything for her in that moment is secondary…
All she wanted was a call back!
That call back to acknowledge her resume provided the hope that she needed to keep going…
The value that recruiters can bring to people’s lives is immeasurable…
The simple act of returning an applicant’s phone call could be the difference between them giving up or pressing on…
Let’s strive to be remembered for more than just the money we made.